Listen to, and download Journeying Through The Bible, Introduction to The Gospel of Matthew
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John 1:1
John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
- In the beginning was Logos (everything)
- In the beginning was God who created everything
About Matthew and the Gospel of Matthew
- The Gospel of Matthew has 28 chapters
- It is parallel to the Book of Genesis in terms of position, since it is the first book of the New Testament just as Genesis is the beginning of the Old Testament.
- Between the days of Malachi and the birth of Jesus was about 400 years.
- Within these 400 years, there was a lot of turmoil with the tribe of Judah where different powers and organisations like the Persian Empire and the Roman Empire emerged. Egypt still remained a dominant power in the world at the time.
- World powers within the time gradually shifted from the east to the west. From Persia to Greece to Rome
- The birth of John the Baptist (the forerunner of Jesus) preceded the birth of Jesus
Who was Matthew?
- Matthew was one of the disciples of Jesus
- He was the author of the Gospel of Matthew
- Matthew was a Publican or a Tax Collector
- Was a first Century Galillean
- He was highly educated, a doctor
Why is it important to Study the Book of Matthew?
- Because of the important messages and parables and teachings like the Beatitudes or Sermon on the Mount
- The book of Matthew was written for the Jews
Why is the The Gospel of Matthew Important Today?
- It helps us to see what ordinarily we would not have seen about Jesus by exposing the miracles which Jesus wrought
- It shows us that Jesus brought together 12 disciples; this shows that even in limited number, God can do great and mighty things.

God Loves You
John 3:16
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
All men have sinned and fallen short of God’s Glory, yet God made the provision of eternal life for you through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. If you wish to be saved to day, kindly say this prayer:
Prayer of Salvation
Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me even though I am a sinner.
I surrender my life to you as my Lord and saviour.
Thank You for saving me, in Jesus Name. Amen