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 Walking in Faith and Authority.

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 Walking in Faith and Authority.

Matthew 28:18
18“ And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.”

Jesus who has the authority and power over the enemy; lives in us, and so this makes us believe that real authority comes from people who trust in God, for when you trust in God nothing is impossible for you in your journey of life.

With humility Jesus is telling  you and I that, it is his peace he gives unto us and not as the world gives. He is here to save us from the hand of the wicked one and to make a difference in our lives.

As humans as we are, we easily forget that we were once nobody, but brethren you must know that we are who we are because of the mercies and goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ. Also bear in mind that Jesus was betrayed by his own disciple, and so therefore you must not think that your betrayal is far from you no, but rather he/ ]she lives just close to you.

 The word of God says that upon all the rejections and hateful words you will receive from people, do not fear for he is with you. He will open doors for you, see you through and will deliver you from the hands of the wicked one.

When you look at the story of Joseph; he was betrayed by his own brothers, this should tell you that when God is preparing you for something great, he uses people who are close to you to first try you and make you look like a nobody in the sight of others, and so what you must know is that; if God be for you no man can be against you.

People will say all sort of negative things towards you. As a child of God let them know that with God all things are possible, reject all their negative words they spoke towards you and prove to them that the living God that you serve will never leave you hanging in Jesus name.

Walking in Faith means you have to learn how to stay steadfast in your faith. This means believing in what God has said concerning you in his word. Whatever situation you find yourself in God is saying peace to that situation and he is going to work a new thing in your situation. So you must have faith in him. Nnever take no as an answer from people because, they will make you feel you don’t know what you are talking about, that is where you let them know that “God in you is your hope of Glory”.

Always trust in God’s Provision because as he provides for you today, he will provide for you over and over again even in your time of difficulties. Also learn how to exercise authority as a child of God; stand on the authority of God and command your circumstances, that God is going to see you through.  

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