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Faithfulness in the midst of Adversity

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Faithfulness in the midst of Adversity

James 1:2-4
 2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing”.

Faithfulness is the quality of being loyal or reliable; or steadfast in one’s commitment and relationship, it involves being true to one’s word, maintaining consistency in actions and behavior and upholding a sense of duty and responsibility in one’s role.

According to biblical definition, a faithful person is someone who is steadfast in devotion to God and adheres to the commandments of God and trusts in God regardless of their situations.

Sometimes we are torn between making the right choice and the wrong choice. In those situations we have to seek the face of God, because seeking God’s face is when you wait reliantly for God to tell you it is time to go or not.

When you go through trials you have to endure, be quiet and stop complaining. Rather go on your knees and pray to the heavenly father who is the problem solver, tell him to come to your aid as you know he is the only true and faithful God who can help you in your trail moment.

We must have courage to stand for the truth, because the truth will set us free. When you are sincere and honest in your communications with God, he will come through for you because you have accepted your fate and have come to him for forgiveness and shelter.

If we continue to walk in the faithfulness of God, he will work the best in us and will change our story.

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